Use our Nirvana Lighting T.A.D.A formula for successful home interior lighting.


Providing an appropriate lux level of light into each location so that the Homeowner’s can carry out the various tasks and activities that take place in that room. 

Examples of this in various locations are-

Kitchen – Appropriate fittings over the counter located in a position so no shadow is created.

Generally means direct light onto the work area.

Bathroom mirror area – Downlighter directly over centre of sink in front of mirror so light bathes over face to allow correct level of light for applying make up or shaving.

Downlighter fittings positioned incorrectly too far away from sink result in the glow of light behind the person and thus insufficient light where the task of applying make up is taking place.

Bedside – LED Reader wall light to bedhead to allow Homeowner to have sufficient lux level on book for reading.       


Mainly used in an indirect way to highlight Architectural shapes by reflecting hidden light sources off surfaces to bring out the shape detail.

Examples of this in the Home would be LED Strip-lighting in ceiling coffers to uplight onto the ceiling to show the Rectangular, Square or Circular shape of the ceiling.

Hidden LED Strip-lighting into a media/ TV wall to highlight the shape of the wall feature and give a uniformed even light level to display shelves.  


Decorative fittings give the homeowner an opportunity to stamp a particular style into a space. 

Particular care in relation to fitting location needs to be taken to get the most from your decorative pieces and frequently used spaces like entrance hall and kitchen table give the best value.

In areas like kitchen table, the pendant light would also need to work from a task point of view for the table below.

Table and floor lamps are a welcome addition to soft furnishing spaces such as living room & bedrooms as they can help furnish the space in a decorative lighting way.  

Best to wire floor and table lamps through 5amp sockets so they can be switched from the wall switches as opposed to the switch on each individual lamp.  


Accent lighting is to draw attention to specific features like paintings/wall features.

By increasing the lux level on the surface of the feature , the contrast between higher and lower lumen levels will ensure that the feature stands out and the detail in the feature is easily seen.   

Accent lighting is generally achieved through spotlights with a beam angle below 40degree so that the beam can focus on the target.

Accent lighting can be achieved through a variety of means including recessed ceiling adjustable, adjustable track fittings & recessed ground adjustable up-lighters  .

In relation to all layers of the T.A.D.A. lighting formula , careful consideration in relation to the colour tone (Kelvin) of each light source needs to be taken.

By far the most popular tone for soft furnishing spaces is 2700k warm white with 3000k being popular in Kitchens/Bathrooms.

Utility and Office spaces in Homes would tend to go more daylight White 4000k.







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